All 2008 cars and liveries

Below is an overview of all 2008 cars and liveries. As you can read I have given my opinion about the cars and liveries. I ask of you to give your opinion in the comments.

BMW F1.08
BMW F1.08BMW F1.08BMW F1.08BMW F1.08
I like this livery a lot. I give it a eight (8).

Ferrari F2008
Ferrari F2008Ferrari F2008Ferrari F2008Ferrari F2008
I never liked the liveries of Ferrari very much and this one is no exception. I give it a six (6).

Force India F1 VJM-01
Force India F1 VJM-01Force India F1 VJM-01Force India F1 VJM-01Force India F1 VJM-01
This livery is not very spectaculair, so I will give it a six (6).

Honda RA108
Honda RA108Honda RA108Honda RA108Honda RA108
I like this livery less than the one of last year. I give it a seven (7).

McLaren MP4-23
McLaren MP4-23McLaren MP4-23McLaren MP4-23McLaren MP4-23
As I said last year, I like this livery very much. I give it a nine (9).

Red Bull RB4
Red Bull RB4Red Bull RB4Red Bull RB4Red Bull RB4
I like this livery, especially the blue colour is very nice. I give it a eight (9).

Renault R28
Renault R28Renault R28Renault R28Renault R28
Renault R28Renault R28Renault R28Renault R28
Like last year I like this livery very much. I give it a ten (10).

Toyota TF108
Toyota TF108Toyota TF108Toyota TF108Toyota TF108
Like last year this livery is not spectaculair renewed, but I like it. I give it a eight (8).

Williams FW 30
Williams FW30Williams FW30Williams FW30Williams FW30
I like this livery a lot more than last year’s. I give it a eight (8).

3 responses to “All 2008 cars and liveries

  1. I am with you on the honda it has to be one of the worst livery in years.

  2. estos autos sin que son espectaculares.

  3. well yes thats true but still doesn’t mean its pretty.

    thank god for Google translate. 🙂